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An automated Wikipedia link suggester has suggested 7 possible wiki links and 4 possible backlinks for the Agrarianism article:

The article text has not been changed in any way; Some of these suggestions may be wrong, some may be right; Any edits to this page will be lost when LinkBot is next run.
I like it, I hate it, Please don't link toLinkBot 01:03, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

  • Can link political philosophy: '''Agrarianism''' is a social and political philosophy....
  • Can link self-reliance: ...t the cultivator acquires the virtues of "honor, manliness, self-reliance, courage, moral integrity, and hospitality." These result f...
  • Can link self-sufficiency: ... is the sole occupation which offers total independence and self-sufficiency. ...
  • Can link world order: ...ficiency. *The farmer has a solid, stable position in the world order. He "has a sense of identity, a sense of historical and rel...
  • Can link capitalism: ...s of a fragmented, alienated modern society. *Urban life, capitalism, and technology destroy independence and dignity while fost...
  • Can link environmentalist movement: ... period. It revived somewhat in conjunction with the 1960s environmentalist movement, and has been drawing an increasing number of adherents. ...
  • Can link landed aristocracy: ...red to as neo-Agrarian. ==See also== * [[Junker]]s German landed aristocracy... (link to section)


Additionally, there are some other articles which may be able to linked to this one (also known as "backlinks"):

  • In Pol Pot, can backlink agrarianism: ...ed to Khmer nationalism. Envisaging a perfectly egalitarian agrarianism, the Khmer Rouge favored a completely agrarian society to t...
  • In Alberta Progressive Conservatives, can backlink agrarianism: ...pproach was in stark contrast to the parochialism and rural agrarianism of ''Social Credit''. ...
  • In Liberalism and centrism in Finland, can backlink agrarianism: ...dence the current gradually decreased. A major other force, agrarianism, choose in 1965 to develop itself into a more centrist curr...
  • In M. Thomas Inge, can backlink Agrarianism: M. Thomas Inge wrote Agrarianism in American Literature. It followed these basic priniples:...